
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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ABSTRACT:This article focuses on the image of "tears", analyzing and stating the connotations of the tears The Common World. The Common World is uncommon, even common life is full of bitter tears. The tears of high frequency make the figures in the novel vivid; showing the hardship and bitterness; helping the depicting of characters and expressing feelings; presenting the author’s complicated experiences of hard work and the earthly world. The intensive presence of tears undoubtedly labels the whole novel tragedy. However, what the tears have revealed is not only sorrow and pain, but also emotions like solemn and tragic etc. The paper analyzes the tears to better explain the soul.

Keywords: The Common World ; the tears; touched; pain; solemn and stirring

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:伟大的爱情是惊天动地的,崇高的爱情是不求索取的。爱情之路上有太多的感动和温暖。感动之泪比比皆是:少安破产,秀莲的安慰和关爱,少安泪眼里充满了感动和亲切;“这对患难夫......
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