
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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ABSTRACT:Therefore is a full-length novel written by Chi Li. It took Chi Li three years to finish it, she continues her New Realism in this novel. In it, a modern intellectual, who constantly fights against fate and seeks hope and freedom but always fails, is described. The heroine's image of independence and persistence acing hardships are successfully built in the novel , which have a positive effect on the formation of modern woman's values , stimulating female independence and pursue of happy life. This paper from the novel writing novels, analyzing the background of female consciousness to publicize, good marriage love and traditional loving mother image of deconstruction, and realistic meaning for the novel, and expounds the connotation of novel in-depth analysis.

Keywords: Chi Li ; Therefore; ideological content; female consciousness; deconstruction

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:作者以《所以》撕开生活的一道口子,触及到了人类生活的本真,展现日常生活中真实的人生、人性,渗透着她对人生之旅的感悟以及坦然面对磨难的生命态度......
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