
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-20
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摘要:高考数学在高考中扮演着极为重要的角色,本文将从四个方面对2011年江苏高考的新特点进行论述: 第一,指出对高考的认识以及该课题的研究目的和现状;第二,从试卷题量、题型的角度分析近3年江苏高考数学试题,分析2011年江苏高考数学试题的新特点;第三,指出2011年江苏高考数学存在的缺点并提出意见;第四,在上述分析研究的基础上,简述对今后高三复习、教学的建议。



Abstract: Mathematics plays a very important role in the college entrance examination. This article will discuss the new features of the 2011 Jiangsu College Entrance Examination from four aspects: Firstly, points out the knowledge of College Entrance Examination and the aims and the current situation of this issue. Secondly, from the amount of and the kinds of the papers, analysis Jiangsu college entrance mathematics questions of the past three years, to analysis the new features of Jiangsu college entrance mathematics questions. Thirdly, points out the shortcomings of the 2011 Jiangsu College Entrance Examination and comes up with suggestions. Fourthly, on the basis of above research, discusses briefly the suggestions of review、teaching of senior high school.

Keywords:the college entrance、Math test、new features



上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:随着各地课程改革的推进以及新课程标准的实施,对高考试题命题的研究不断深入。历年来高考相关政策的不断改革,数学命题形式的变化发展,不断地完善着我国高考制度。......
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