
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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摘要:2007至2011年间,每年高考理综卷物理试题都遵循“稳中求变、变中求新、新中求实、体现课改”的特点,继续坚持以能力测试为主导, 考查考生对所学的物理基础知识、基本方法、基本技能的掌握程度;考查考生综合运用已知的物理知识分析、解决实际问题的能力和探究能力,重视对考生科学素养的考查。虽考法万千,但终究万变不离其宗,主要的知识点依然是考试的重点。因而,只有找出重要的知识点,将其熟练的掌握和运用,才是高考复习的关键。





Abstract:Between 2007—2011, every year the university entrance exam manage put together coils physical exam is abided by "stability, and become the change of innovation and new realistic, reflect the class changes" characteristic, continue to adhere to the power to test for the leading, examines the examinee to have basic knowledge of physics, the basic method and the basic skill of the master degree; Examines the examinee to comprehensive use of physical knowledge known analysis, the ability to solve practical problems and exploring ability, attach importance to the examinee scientific literacy examination. Although test method of millions, but ultimately all apparent changes the Pope, the main points is still the key test. Therefore, only to find out the important points, its skilled master and use, is the university entrance exam review key. 

   This papers to the high school curriculum reform as a background, based on the new curriculum standard high school as the theoretical basis, mainly in the national college entrance examination in recent years physical test analysis and research, this paper summarizes the physical new curriculum background characteristics and trends of the university entrance exam proposition. This thesis research content mainly includes: (1) reading the new curriculum reform under the new curriculum background and trend of the development of the university entrance exam. (2) the university entrance exam questions and knowledge structure and the distribution of the more detailed statistics, the new curriculum reform is the focus of the under the characteristics of high physical examination, and grasp the new curriculum reform of the university entrance exam next physical proposition tendency. (3) to the senior high school physics teaching practical teaching advice, for high school education workers and high school students provide certain teaching reference. 

   Nearly five years the national university entrance exam manage put together the physical and mechanical test to pay attention to the part of the basic knowledge and basic capacity examination. Papers can meet the requirements of the new university selection, and to the middle school physics teaching also has better guidance. From the content of the five copies of papers see, both basic problem, and innovative subject, and pay attention to the application of knowledge in real life. When reviewing the university entrance exam, we must first strengthen the understanding and knowledge of important application, pay attention to the application of the basic law, classic topic and the conventional problem will always do, and at the same time strengthen information from the image of ability, the inquisition ability and modeling skills, improve moved by using their knowledge and the ability to solve practical problems. 

Key words: University entrance exam; Physics;Item analysis;Teaching notes


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:近五年全国高考理综物理力学试题部分注重了对基础知识和基本能力的考查。试卷既能满足高校选拔新生的要求,同时对中学物理教学也有较好的导向作用。从五份试卷的内容看,既有......
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