
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-09
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摘  要:新课程强调,在中学物理教学中,要培养学生对自然界的好奇、发展对科学的探索兴趣,在了解和认识自然的过程中有满足感及兴奋感。教学中引课也是一个重要的教学环节,“引课”教学的好坏将直接影响学生学习物理的兴趣。


关键词: 新课程;中学物理教学;引课;调查;方法;教学策略


ABSTRACT:The new curriculum emphasizes that in high school physics teaching, teachers should develop students’ curious about the natural world, explore the development of science interest, have a sense of satisfaction and excitement in understanding and knowing the nature. In the course of Teaching, leading the teaching course is also an important part.It will directly affect the quality of teaching and students’ interest in physics.

  In this paper, based on reading relevant literature and research and a preliminary understanding of high school physics teaching "drawing lessons" of the situation, the survey find there are some shortages in " drawing lessons” .According to the principles and requirements for quality education, It describs the importance of "drawing lessons"in school physics teaching, and describes the effect of  "drawing lessons"in the process of teaching physics in secondary school. And according to my own experience and teaching practice and the summary of literature,I present some effective approaches of "drawing course" in high school physics teaching, and the implementation of the strategy of "drawing lessons" and some problems which should be pay attention to in new high school physics teaching course .

Keywords: New curriculum;School physics teaching;Lead to students; Investigation; Method;Teaching strategies

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:针对新课程理念的要求,引课在中学物理教学中的应用是非常的重要的,那么就要注重引课的方法、素材的收集和引课中应该注意问题。我们要充分利用物理引课教学的优势,培养学生......
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