
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-09
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摘  要:本文主要包括两个部分,综述部分和实验部分。





ABSTRACT:This article mainly includes two parts, Review part and experimental section.

   The first part of Anemone first chemical constituents were reviewed, according to the situation of the research, the conclusion in data study of the genus discovered saponins, lactone class, coumarin, naphtha, grease, amino acids, trace elements and some other component; Second on the pharmacological effects were introduced, these plants there a anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesia, calm effects, and because of its extensive pharmacological effects in the future, this genus has wide development prospects. 

   The second part is, experimental section mainly described the concrete process of experiment, the specific steps to brief description, Part of the problem for experiments proposed own view. The test of yunnan honghe medicinal plants Anemone vitifola Buch.-Ham, chemical experiments were studied by silica column chromatography, gradient elution method to Anemone vitifola Buch.-Ham chloroform part of the chemical composition, use TLC to identificate of qualitativation, further purification. According to the result of TLC judge get 2 compounds . 

Keywords: Anemone vitifola Buch.-Ham; Chemical composition; Chromatography; TLC

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:在此次对野棉花氯仿部分浸膏中的部分化学成分进行研究的实验中。通过采用乙醇溶剂浸提法提取,硅胶柱层析、梯度洗脱法分离纯化,薄层层析法鉴定等方法,初步判断分离得到两个......
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