
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-15
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Abstract:Examination of construction, to improve teaching quality and realizing teaching- examination separation, this paper expounds the construction of the electromagnetic test-system guiding thought, construction principle, construction background, purpose and specific implementation process. The construction of the electromagnetic on how to knowledge structure, how to select the test, the test question difficulty coefficient, try processing, try sources, and to have recorded storage function, inquires the funct- ion, intelligent, analysis feedback various test-problem library function method to make the performance and use that.

Key words: Electromagnetics; Examination; Intelligent; Difficulty coefficient

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:建设《电磁学》试题库一个重要的工作便是选择试题以及处理试题,本文以如何做好建设《电磁学》试题库的前期工作,试题库的建设及使用为主要内容, 进行阐述和说明。......
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