
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-13
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关键词: 实习教师  课堂观察  有效性


Abstract: Student teachers in the classroom teaching which the problems and disadvantages, the article describes an effective and can quickly improve student teachers' level of education - classroom observation. Classroom observation by the situation in the classroom during the operation of the recording, analysis and research, and on this basis to seek to improve students' classroom learning, promoting professional teacher development activities. Will use classroom observation to which student teachers can quickly correct and effective to lead the growth of student teachers, it can short period of time to understand the situation of students and adapt teaching life, thereby enhancing the quality of education. Classroom observation is a collective teaching and research activities require the cooperation of other teachers, is not alone. Student teachers need to participate in collective activities, lectures, record, analyze and exchange discussion to rapidly improve their standard of teaching.

Key words:  student teachers  classroom observation  effectiveness

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:如何通过课堂观察来快速的提高实习教师的教学水平才是本文的重点内容,也是本文致力研究的方向。我通过了实际的案例研究来说明课堂观察这种研究方法的科学有效性。希望我的研......
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