
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:当当网小刘 更新时间:2013-06-16
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   Education has been a important issues in our country so long time, All the time, some people have done many researches to average school sports teaching. In contrast, relevant special education school sports education research is still in the weak link.This paper mainly uses literature data method, questionnaire, interview method, mathematical statistics and logic inference method investigated and analyzed eight sports teachers of special education school elementary school, and part of the deaf students of junior and high school in Yunnan.This paper made a thorough investigation into the current status of physical education equipments,physical education teaching and so on. Results showed that special education school sports teaching situation of south Yunnan area are worrying. This main shows that① Physical education teachings are lacking, scientific research ability is poor, ②Teaching content is single, sports teaching materials are not perfect, goals are not clear, ③teaching venue and equipments are shortage and humble, sports funding are inadequate, etc. the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions: government and superior leaders should pay more attention and invest much more funds to school PE for special education ,using varies approaches and measures to develop the channel to gain funds ,PE space and equipment should be improved. Hoped that which can help to develop gym teaching of special education school of south yunnan. And arouse persons' attention who from all walks of life to causes of disabled, common concerning for development of the special school sports education, attention to the healthy development of the disabled children.

Keywords: region of Dian nan;special education;sports teaching;actualities


上传会员 当当网小刘 对本文的描述:本文主要运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计法和逻辑推理法对云南省滇南地区特殊教育学校的8名体育教师及小学、初中的部分聋哑学生进行调查分析,主要从特殊学校的......
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