
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-20
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【Abstract】The researchers used a questionnaire to students in a Liyang's primary school and their parents for an investigation into the phenomenon of idolatry. By analyzing the situation of contemporary schoolchild's idolatry(both boys' and girls') and that of their parents' idolatry, the change of values in these two generations will be explored based on the focus on gender and intergenerational difference in worship of idols. Specific findings of this study are as follows: first,contemporary schoolgirls are more likely to worship idols than boys; second, in the present gender difference doesn't exert a prominent effect on types of idolatry ; third, In the 1980s, the condition is opposite. girls more worship outstanding figures, celebrities and those successful figures surrounding them, while boys more worship outstanding figures; fourth, girls are more concerned about charming characteristics of the idol, whereas boys are more concerned about idol's personality and their special characteristics for achievements; fifth, Idolatry behavior of the contemporary primary school students are more prevalent than that of primary school students in the 1980s; sixth, contemporary pupils more worship celebrities and virtual characters, while in the 1980s, the pupils more such outstanding persons as worship public role models, political celebrities ; seventh, contemporary primary school students rely on the information of the network and TV, but the way pupils in the 1980s get information varies from person to person; eighth, contemporary primary school students show more concern are the distinctive characteristics of idols; ninth,the manner and extent of pupils' idolatry get influenced by features of the times. The basic conclusion of this study are: primary school students who have weak and even unclear self-consciousness are more prone to acts of idolatry. Diverse social and cultural background more easily cause idolatry behavior of primary school students, and more diverse type of idol worship.

【Key words】Idol;Worship;Idolatry;Gender differences; Intergenerational differences

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:本论文将以笔者实习的溧阳市实验小学中的高年级学生及其家长为调查研究对象,采用调查问卷的方式对高年级学生及其家长的相关信息进行采集,根据调查结果探讨小学生偶像崇拜状......
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