
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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摘  要:物理学在生活中的应用比比皆是,在影视剧题材中也经常可以看到物理知识的表现。由于有生动的情节,在看电影、电视的过程中去寻找和思考一些现象后面所蕴含的物理知识,更有利于对相关内容的理解。本课题研究的目的就在于通过寻找刑侦剧中与物理有关的内容,截取视频画面,并加以分类和分析,用生动的视频取代生硬的Flash,增强教学内容的趣味性,达到既能激发学生学习兴趣,又能全面深刻地了解物理原理的目的。



Abstract: The application of physics abound in life, in the TV drama theme is also common to see the performance of physical knowledge. As a lively plot, watching movies, television and thinking process to find the back of some phenomena inherent in the physical knowledge, is more conducive to the understanding of relevant content. The purpose of this research is that by seeking criminal investigation related to the contents of the physical play, the interception of the video screen, and classify and analyze, to replace the video with vivid blunt Flash, enhance the fun of teaching content, to both stimulate students Interest, but also comprehensive and profound understanding of the purpose of physical principles.

Keywords:Criminal drama、Movies、Physics、Physical equipment

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:在这些刑侦手段和检验的仪器之中,很多都运用到了物理学的原理,比如光学、力学、量子物理、电磁学等等。多种多样的物理学原理在刑侦过程中发挥着重要的角色,称为刑侦人员破......
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