
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:18389978 更新时间:2014-09-25
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Abstract:The earliest record of female officer is “rites of Zhou”. The female official system development to the Tang Dynasty already quite complete. The open society, women’s status was higher than other feudal period, but the female officers as a special group of woman, not because of the improvement of the status of the fate, change. Some of them old palace, some mysterious death, and some were sent to be a nun, and too old to be released from the palace. In their life, female officers do not have a good destination. Investigate its reason, first is the social background at the time, They cannot get rid of the bondage of feudal society .Followed by female officers' living environment, they could not avoid being involved in a political struggle, personal factors finally is the female officers. Because of the good individual condition, they were involved in a dispute.  

Key words: The Tang Dynasty; Female officer; fate

上传会员 18389978 对本文的描述:唐代女子她们生活在封建社会的大背景下,小户人家的女子,终日以丈夫为天;富贵人家,丈夫妻妾成群;皇家女子,更是要为了一时之宠,机关算尽,最后大多不是红颜薄命就是孤独......
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