
资料分类:教育理论 上传会员:阿里夫人 更新时间:2014-12-17
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Abstract:“Close-reading” is one of the terms that was born in British and American New Criticism and has a profound influence on later generations. During the diachronic reception activities in China,the concept of this term have shown “outward”trend in the two aspects of the connotation and extension.Under the influence of this trend , “close-reading” can be used to interpret the text from the “fragments of text”, “the text level” and “the text chain” of these three dimensions. Thus,further reconsidering about the significance of the study of “close-reading” etc .

Key words::the new criticism,close-reading,to the outside,multi dimension interpretation

上传会员 阿里夫人 对本文的描述:我国学界一直在接受西方形形色色的文学理论,可又可以说我们没有真正接受过任何理论。这并不是要我们放弃祖先那些经典的文论,而是强调我们并没有真正取彼之长,补己之短。就......
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