
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-27
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关键词:甜蜜素 食品添加剂 气相色谱法


Abstract: To investigate the security status of additive sweetener in food sold in Nanjing, this experiment, according to the Food Security Hygiene Examination——Physicochemical part, adopts gas chromatography of GB/T5009.29-2003 to test 10 samples taken from four kinds of food sold in Supermarkets and retail stores in Nanjing and analyze them under State Sanitary Standard GB2760-2011. This experiment has assayed the sweetener content of 50 samples taken from 4 kinds of food, and the result shows that among these samples the sweetener contents of three kinds of food are accord with the security range of national standard, and only one kind of that is below the standard of sweetener content which accounts for two percent of all the samples. 

Key words: sodium cyclamate;food additive;gas chromatography





上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:甜蜜素是食品工业常用添加剂,因为价格低廉,风味极为近似于蔗糖,口感甜润不腻,是种品质良好的甜味剂而被大量使用与各种食品。但是如果长期过量食用会对人体肝脏和神经系统......
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