
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-15
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Abstract: This article uses the sand culture test, to investigate the physiological responses of turnip Hg2+. Methods: Used the sand culture method study of different concentrations of Hg2+ stress, white radish seedling fresh weight and dry weight, root activity, chlorophyll content, MAD, SOD and POD changes of antioxidant enzyme activities. The results showed that: with the increase of the  concentration of the mercury ion, fresh weight and dry weight were decreased. When the radish seedlings in low concentration under stress, the root activities greater than in the control group, but with the concentration continued to increase, root activity decreased. The chlorophyll content of seedling with Hg2+ stress and the strengthening of the lower Malondialdehyde content with Hg2+ stress concentration increases how plus, white radish cytoplasmic membrane destroyed gradually increased. SOD and POD activity significantly with the increase of Hg2+ concentration and then decreased.

Keywords:White radish;Hg2+;Antioxidant enzymes;Chlorophyll

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:环境污染日加严重,大量的工业污染物未经过彻底的处理,甚至是未经任何处理而直接排到自然界中,这些污染物、尤其是一些重金属离子的污染,如汞、镉、铅等重金属离子的污染,......
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