
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-15
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摘要:本实验通过实验室饲喂称重的方法探究外来物种琵琶鼠鱼与土著物种黄颡鱼、鲫鱼混养利弊关系,以空间资源为竞争条件,应用其生物学和生态学特征以及环境适应性的差异, 研究入侵物种对生物多样性和生态环境的破坏。从而得到空间关系与种间斗争对琵琶鼠鱼与黄颡鱼、鲫鱼的影响。




Abstract:Experimental laboratory feeding weighing method to explore the fish with indigenousspecies of alien species Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, carp polyculture pros and cons of the relationship between space resources for the conditions of competition, theapplication of biological and ecological characteristics, and environmentaladaptabilitydifferences of invasive species on biodiversity and the ecological environment destruction. Thus the impact of spatial relationships and the strugglebetween species of the lute rat fish, crucian carp,. Experimental data processing and experimental observation of the process, we can see that the The  Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus and Pelteobagrus fulvidraco in polyculture case a certain degree of spatial competition, the competitiveness of the crucian carp to be slightly better. From the trend of the experimental point of view, to grasp the ratio of the two species, and can effectively control the growth of the lute rat fish, not affect the growth of crucian carp. Case carp lute rat fish reared together, the crucian carp and  Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus mutually influence each other's growth status, so that the growth of the two was a linear correlation. Invasion of alien species  Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus unfavorable to the growth of indigenous species of crucian carp.

Keywords:Alien species;Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus; crucian carp;Pelteobagrus fulvidraco ;lyculture

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:目前,外来物种入侵已经成为了一个全球性的问题[5],入侵种往往具有较强的适应性,能广泛分布, 取代本地物种[6-8]。通过本次实验可以研究琵琶鼠鱼分别与黄颡鱼或鲫鱼混养时的利弊关......
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