
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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Abstract: Heavy metals in water pollution are increasing, leading to water availability decreases and water ecosystem degradation, it is necessary that Studying on absorption of heavy metals by plants. Conclusion is measured through the use of the atomic flame absorption of water, heavy metals Cu, Cr the amount of change, and changes of heavy metals in the Myriophyllum out: The Myriophyllum first three days to absorb the amount of water Cu is the largest, but also deal with the effect of water Cu is the best period. The Myriophyllum first 6 days absorb the amount of Cr is the largest, but also deal with the effect of heavy metals in water Cr is the best time.Myriophyllum absorb two kinds of heavy metals of Cu and Cr ,the amount is not water initial concentration, still have a little bit small deviation of this with the water body itself own the self-purification is related to heavy metals metals in a small portion of the water body itself self-purification to digest out thebut the main or the absorption of the Myriophyllum.

Key words: Heavy metal; Myriophyllum; absorb

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:重金属在大气、水体、土壤、生物体中广泛分布,而底泥往往是重金属的储存库和最后的归宿。当环境变化时,底泥中的重金属形态将发生转化并释放造成污染。重金属不能被生物降解......
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