
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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关键字:塔里木河流域; 分形维数; 空间插值; 降水量


Abstract:This paper’analysis is based on the fractal theory, the phase space reconstruction theory and the geo-statistical theory. The time series are analyzed of annual mean temperature、precipitation and humidity at 23 meteorological stations in Tarim River Basin from 1959 to 2006 to reveal the fractal dimension of temperature and the climate of the Tarim River Basin and analysis the Fractal feature of the climate of the Tarim River Basin on the fractal dimension of spatial interpolation.The results show that::(1) the fractal dimension is Increased gradually from east to West and present Ladder form.It is divided into 5 sections:2.87-2.93、2.93-3.00、3.00-3.07、3.07-3.13 and 3.13-3.20 (2)A system with a large fractal dimension is more complex than that with small fractal dimension and the fractal dimension is higher in some places with surface runoff than that without surface runoff in the same temperature condition .(3) The highest value of the fractal dimension appears in Kashi and Wuqia area and the lowest value appears in Lop Nor area,that means the Fractal feature of precipitation is obvious between the zone of high fractal dimension and the low.

Key Words: the Tarim River Basin; fractal dimension; Spatial interpolation; precipitation

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:因为有少数变量值很小,使曲线左侧尾部拖得很长,这也间接说明位于均值右边的数据相对具有稳定。以上数据分析从一定程度上可以说明此次所测的的数据具有一定的可行性和代表性......
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