
资料分类:农业大学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:This article gives an overview of the current status to agricultural biotechnology industry development in China.For example,the agricultural biotechnology which obtains the innovative achievement in basic research.The achievement obtains transformation and application and so on.As well as the agricultural biotechnology industry trend of development.It also deals with the problems of agricultural biotechnology development faced by China. A t the same time it proposed the future agriculture biological technology industry development tendency as well as the promotion agriculture biological technology industry development countermeasure and the suggestion.The biological technology had the widespread application in the crops,it mainly applies agricultural,the medicine as well as in the environment repair government.The scientists predicted that the 21st century are the bio-engineering centuries.The modern agriculture biological technology is only inferior to the medicine biological technology.It is that the development is the most rapid and the benefit is the most remarkable in the field.It will become the century new economical point of growths.   

Key Words:Agricultural biotechnology;Current status; Countermeasures




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:生物技术在农作物中已有广泛的应用,其主要应用到农业、医药以及环境修复治理中。科学家们预言,21世纪是生物工程的世纪。现代农业生物技术是仅次于医药生物技术,发展最迅速、......
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