
资料分类:企业经济 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-03
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关键词:文化创意产业  经济增长  就业弹性  江苏


Abstract: This article in jiangsu cultural areas of creative industries sector and research on the basis of culture and creative industries to jiangsu employment, by comparing with other sectors of the regression model data and analysis of culture and tertiary industries, creative industries in the main sectors of employment are elastic. By researching, we got the following conclusion : First, Jiangsu cultural and creative industries have a good potential for development and the impact on economy of jiangsu is than other sectors within the tertiary industry. Second, Jiangsu cultural creativity industry employment elasticity coefficient is higher, with a strong labor absorption capacity, but its employment capacity effect did not get the full play. Third, our province cultural and creative industries got certain development, but did not get special priority and due rapid development. Fourth, Jiangsu cultural and creative industries is still not mature. Keywords: Cultural creative industries;Economic growth; Employment flexible;Jiangsu

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:当前国内学者对于文化创意产业的功能定位,经济增长效应,影响因素等方面的研究较为深入,而且江苏的文献主要以江苏文化创意产业的发展现状和对策为主。所以,本文拟结合江苏......
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