
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-29
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关键词 高层建筑;给水;消防;排水;热水


Abstract:In the new century, building water supply and drainage would assume the historical responsibility, and facing new challenges. Building water supply and drainage will be more prominent to the principle of people-oriented, and focus adjustment to both civil construction and industrial buildings, both public buildings and residential buildings, both cold water supply and hot water supply, embarked on a comprehensive, balanced, pragmatic and safe development of the road . Building Water is an application works, is a very important part of the whole architectural design, architectural design essential

 This article mainly shows design water supply and drainage design in a official occupancy building. In this water supply system supplies water to high region and low part ,the high level tank supply system of high region ,submit to higher author it all the high region , municipal water distribution system direct supply low part ;live drainage discharge adopt separate system in a building ,according to the high-riseⅠ type designing the interior fire prevention system; automatic water sprinkler system calculate of area, adopt medium perilous Ⅱ.

Key words  high-rise building  water supply  fire  drainage  hot water


上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本文主要为高层办公楼给水排水设施和消防系统的设计。其中,给水系统为分区供水,高区采用水箱供水,为上行下给式,中区采用水泵直接加压供水,低区由市政管网直接供水;建筑......
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