
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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关键词: 工期 施工图预算 消耗量定额


ABSTRACT:The task of this graduation design is the Chongqing Xiushan yucai middle school, complex building the preparation of the tender documents , the use of hand-dug pile foundation. The upper part of the main for the brick, the structural safety of grade II, for the six seismic fortification intensity, type of construction work for the one categories.

   A reasonable construction of the order of arrangement and construction plans to ensure that the construction schedule, the project construction period for the development of 185 calendar days.Through the teacher's guidance and learning materials and related reference materials, so that I mastered the construction drawings of the budget and the tender offer, technical and economic analysis and bill of quantities and learn to use the basic method of Computer Software. .

   According to the graduation design specification requirements, I learned by professional knowledge, independently complete the collection of data, the quantity, the list of fixed and drawing, master budget compilation process, the content and the graduation design exercise our innovative thinking and practice ability, improve our professional knowledge and ability to solve practical problems for the future work and study, have very important function and meaning. 

Keywords: Period;construction budget;consumption of fixed


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:合理安排施工顺序和施工计划,确保施工进度,本工程拟定工期为185天。通过老师的指导和对教材和有关参考资料的学习,使我掌握了建设工程施工图预算的编制及投标报价、技术经济......
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