
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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关键词:工程概况 设计流程 成本控制


ABSTRACT:This project for Chongqing Xiushan - Yucai Junior high school teaching building, located in Chongqing Xiushan County. The project construction unit for Chongqing Xiushan yucai middle school, by China machinery industry in Chongqing, the third design institute of design, construction drawings is complete. Construction area of 6375.1304 square meters,astructure using artificial digging hole pile foundation. Frame structure, fire resistance rating for level two, seismic fortification intensity is six degrees, engineering classes for the three categories.

   The business standard file compiled based on Chongqing Xiushan - Yucai Junior high school middle school teaching building construction contract and construction design drawings, national and local current based on a series of construction and technical specifications, standards, etc, and the construction organization according to local and environmental characteristics of the project, etc., puts forward feasible guarantee measures emphasis on them. The graduation design by browsing to drawings, Guanglian of graphics calculate quantity and volume of steel bar is GBQ4.0 GuangLian for invoicing software and related software, combined with reinforcement engineering itself and civil engineering quantities of quantities by hand, by comparing calculation software and further reduce error and cost control.

Keywords: Project Overview;The Design Process; Control The Cost


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:此次毕业设计通过浏览图纸、广联达钢筋算量及其广联达图形算量和广联达计价软件GBQ4.0等相关软件,结合工程本身进行钢筋工程量和土建工程量手算,通过比对软件计算和手算进一步......
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