
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-30
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关键词  建筑给水系统;建筑消防系统;建筑排水系统;建筑热水系统


Abstract:This design is the construction of 15 floor water supply and drainage design, including the building water supply system,mainly by the following four system parts. 

   Building water supply system using zoning water supply , 1 to 3 floor are low area by the municipal water supply pipe directly; 4 to 15 floor is high areas.The water tank for effective volume 1.44 cubic meters, pool of effective volume for 13.5 cubic meters. 

   Building fire system mainly adopts laboratory fire hydrant system , 10 min fire early fire from the roof water supply fire tank ,the water tank of effective volume for 18 cubic meters; 10 min after the fire started fire pumps, pumping water from a fire hydrant available for use. the water pool of effective volume for 288 cubic meters. The first floor to third floor are shops, 4 floor above the house before the elevator room and a corridor sprinkler systems. Fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system is using steel tube. 

    Building drainage system: toilet uses sewage, wastewater by combined drainage system, kitchen waste water discharge all alone,ground floor drain alone, the kitchen waste water, toilet of sewage treatment by the septic tank back into the municipal drainage pipelines. Only set top ventilation stand pipe.The spiral drainage pipe deadened the plastic pipe. 

   Building hot water system adopts closed mechanical circulation system, a division system of hot water with cold water system; The focus on hot water supply, heat source from the municipal HTM pipeline network (0.20 MPa), cold water after volumetric heat the water heater for water distribution network to after. Hot water pipe using cross linked polyethylene pipe. 

Keywords  building water supply system   building fire fighting system   building drainage system   building hot water system


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:建筑热水系统采用闭式机械循环系统,热水的分区系统同冷水系统;采用集中热水供应,热源来自市政热媒管网(0.20MPa),冷水经过容积式水加热器加热后供向配水管网。热水管材采用......
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