
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-30
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关键词 高层建筑;给水系统;排水系统;消防系统;热水供应系统


Abstract:This design is a 13 layers buildings of the public residence building to , completing the design of  the water supply system and draining the system, fire fight system, the hot water system and the system of the roof rain water.

   The water supply system adoption cent area supply water. 1-7 low areas of the layers is taken care of the direct water supply by the municipal pipe net. The eighth layer to the 13th layer is high area, adoption north bound descend to of water supply method, pump to supply water to a water tank of the roof from the water supply of the underground garage, then be taken care of the net water supply toward high area by a water tank; Drain the system adoption is a dirty water, the waste water confluence system, the first floor drains alone, draining to sign the tube to establish to stretch the crest to ventilate the tube only, the dirty water was handle by septic tank again rear row to municipal soil pipe net; The fire fight system design becomes to eliminate the fire to bolt to extinguish fire the system, a fire  water of the early 10 mines is supply by the fire fight water tank, normal the water supply be pumped by the fire fight Pump from the Saving pond ;The hot water system divides the area circumstance in accordance with the cold system of water, the cold water passes to give or get an electric shock after the heating apparatus concentration heat, again from promote the pump to provide to go together with the pipe line net, The hot water adopt is the closing type  machine half circulatory system; The rain water adoption is inside drain the system, rain water direct row to municipal soil pipe net.The water pipe and drain pipes respectively adopt the PP- R tube and the UPVC tubes , the fire fight system and the hot water systems all adopt to plate the zinc steel pipe.

   In the designation  process ,I carried on  settling each system project , the flat surface arranges and computing, and  chousing the type of various equipments , and do the great engineering budget estimation and establishment procedure of the Excel. finally,Drew the flat surface construction diagram and the system stalk side diagrams of each system with the CAD.

Keywords  high building   water supply system   wastewater system   fire system   hot water supply system


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:给水系统采用分区供水,一到七层为低区,由市政管网直接供水。八层到十三层为高区,采用下行上给的供水方式;排水系统采用的是污、废分流制,底层单独排水,排水立管仅设伸顶......
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