
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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关键词:投标 编制依据 工程量


ABSTRACT:The graduation design is Chongqing City Management College Student Dormitory Building H. The total construction area are ​​12,015 square meters, 211 households lived. There are 18 floors on the ground floor, building height are 54.45 meters. The fire resistance rating is second construction rate, the design life is 50 years, seismic fortification intensity is 6 degrees, construction category is II level, structure in the form is wall structure. The cost is 13072896 Yuan.

   The tender documents are compiled based on the construction contract and construction design drawings of Chongqing City Management College Student Dormitory Building H, the existing relevant national norms, procedures, standards, regulations and relevant local laws, rules and regulations as the basis. The graduation based on "Seismic Design of Buildings", "building structures norms", "building pile foundation design", used "Chongqing Construction Engineering denominated fixed(2008)".

   The graduation design uses the hand-count and the electronic count the amount and Glodon steel sampling software, Glodon graphics software, Glodon price software. There are many difficulties in the design process. Hand calculation stage, when member practices and reinforcement algorithm is not clear, I need to ask the teacher or the students. Software calculation stage, there are many drawing problems, I chose to read online instructional videos or advice to others, set a fixed time, fixed take the error, the teacher carefully noted and guide me to correct.

   With this graduation, my hands budget level is greatly improved, the software operation is also more familiar and in-depth, but also access to previously encountered problems, I benefited a lot. Now I'm basically able to finish a project count the amount. The graduation exercised my capability of find ways to solve problems. In future work, the problem may appear endless, learn inspection Atlas specifications and other information to solve problems independently is very essential and necessary.

Keywords: Bidding; Code and Standard; Quantity.


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本次毕业设计中采用了手工算量和电子算量两种方法,用到了广联达钢筋抽样软件,广联达图形算量软件和广联达计价软件。在设计过程中,遇到了很多的困难。手算阶段,在构件做法......
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