
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-04
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关键词 大学生;消费;调查研究


Abstract:With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, this group of college students more and more people's attention, and consumption situation of university students became the focus. In this paper, Xuzhou Institute of college students conducted a consumer survey and supplemented by scientific research methods to study. Investigation Xuzhou Institute of the four-grade boys and girls, their consumption system survey to find out the status of their consumption. By analyzing the source from the Students' Consumption, consumption, consumption and consumption structure research found that: Overall, Xuzhou Engineering student spending in good condition, but there are still some problems. For example, their own lack of correct concept of consumption, adverse consumer environment of the family, the school did not have to use teaching resources the consumption necessary guidance and social mass media on college students form a huge adverse effects. Accordingly, the analysis of the reasons and targeted from the four aspects of themselves, their families, schools and social measures, to guide students to a healthy, rational consumption.

Keywords   College student  consumption  Investigation and study

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:从大学生的消费行为上可以看出学生们的生活状态和价值观,良好的消费行为对大学生的一生的思想品德会产生重要的影响。本调查研究主要在分析我校大学生的消费行为,了解大学生......
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