
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-04
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关键词 我校大学生;阅读现状;调查与研究;策略


Abstract:This article through to my school -- Xuzhou Institute of technology students as the research object, combined with interviews and other methods using a questionnaire survey, data analysis Investigation and analysis of present situation, read to my school the different professional students of our school, the college students' reading ability, reading purpose and interest in reading habits, as well as the development trend of reading the status quo,According to the status of reading, college students lack of reading and reading, and then from our university and college students themselves two aspects to promote students' reading strategies,In order to through all aspects of our work, let me strive for the university students to form a good habit of reading, intensive reading skills, improve the students' reading quality,A solid foundation for improving college students' literary attainments and their future learning and sustainable development and the sustainable development of our school.

Keywords  College students  reading situation   investigation and study  strategy

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:本次调查的范围是我校在校大学生,主要内容为他们阅读兴趣的各个方面,包括大学生阅读文献的动机、目的、类别、途径、阅读效果等多个方面。为了确保调查的覆盖面和可信度,调......
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