
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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[关键词]李白;浪漫; 诗风; 个性; 环境


[Abstract] Libai is a dazzling star on Chinese language text on the fertile which soil in China. Its long-standing has enduring artistic charm and humanity, must have their own do not copy and the cause of the reverse. This of course need to ontology of Libai romantic poetry and literature, from the life of Libai, the theory of Libai's romantic style, living environment and personality; Sympathy with the people's poverty and political corruption of dark extreme dissatisfaction; The love of the broken pieces back together, to the seclusion of yearning.

[Key words] Libai;  romanticism;  style;  personality;  environment

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:这种飘逸的美感是由李白的诗歌这个审美对象引起的,那么,李白的诗歌这个审美对象又是由哪些审美材料构成的呢?一是平易。李白的诗很少用生僻字,所用的典故绝大部分是人们熟......
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