
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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关键词: 贾平凹 浮躁 创作原因


Abstract:Fu Zao is Jia Pingwa’s composition.The contents of the composition with a stage summary significance is about Shangzhou. In the new historical period Farmers were undergoing  experience of moral struggle and psychological conflict because they want to get rid of the poor ,throw off oppression from the remaining evils of feudalism and release from bondage.This paper argues that Fu Zao is Jia Pingwa’s new attempt of creation.There are some regional factors in the creation of Fu Zao,such as mysterious culture images,the idea that men are superior to women in Shangzhou and so on. Furthermore,understanding of culture and the observation of life also influenced the creation of Fu Zao.So this article mainly from three aspects to explore the reasons of creation of Fu Zao,such as era,region,and the writer’s himself.This paper holds that the creation of Fu Zao include three aspects,and made a brief argumentation on that three aspects.

Key words:  Jia Pingwa  Fu Zao  reason of creation 

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:《浮躁》这部小说,贾平凹并没有从某一人、某一事来写,而是从很多的人的心态中紧抓当前时代的浮躁情绪,从这儿出发,去组合人物并展开事件,去构造整部小说并写好整部巨著。......
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