
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-01
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Abtract:Paradise Lost is a famous Japanese writer, Watanabe's masterpiece is a masterpiece of modern quite explosive. Works in the creative subjects, methods, concepts and so are the new opening, infiltration of Watanabe in the works of his personal love and death of view. End processing, particularly in a "love death" means a unique artistic value. His writing style full of personal characteristics deeply showed this eternal theme—love and death. And his expression is very natural, the style is very beautiful. All factors have highlighted "the awareness of death" in Japanese literature has the cultural tradition and connotation.

Key words: Paradise Lost;death;happiness;Aestheticism

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:《失乐园》所体现出的死亡意识首先在于死亡结局的合理性。虽然死亡结局在渡边淳一的作品中出现得很普遍,属于作者经常使用的处理结局的方式,但就本书而言,主人公最后走向死......
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