
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:随心所欲 更新时间:2014-03-18
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关键词:对比分析; 翻译策略; 翻译技巧


Abstract:“Stray Birds” is a masterpiece of the famous poet Rabindranath Tagoere, having a profound impact on the development of Chinese poetry. In the past 80 years, Stray Birds have been translated into as many as 15 Chinese versions, whose disadvantages can mainly be divided into two classifications. On one hand, although some versions are relatively faithful to the original text, its diction is not fluent and elegant. On the other hand, although the diction of the rest versions is fluent and elegant, they are not so faithful to the original text. Among all the Chinese versions, the version by the outstanding scholar Zheng Zhenduo is the most faithful to the original and the most popular with us although many sections are somewhat mechanical. Therefore, the paper is trying to translate the whole collection and make a comparative analysis between Zheng Zhenduo’s version and mine, aiming at having his version refined and polished, and analyzing and probing the translation strategies and tactics for English poem collections.

   After carefully studying and analyzing this poem collection’s background knowledge and linguistic features, I attempt to translate the whole collection totally including 325 poems. Subsequently, the paper makes a comparative analysis between Zheng Zhenduo’s version and mine, analyzing unique verve, translation errors and mechanical translations in the version by Zheng Zhenduo. Finally, the paper makes a study of the translation methods, rules and diction and draws the conclusion of “rules of faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance and image”, “creative translation in a poetic style” and “diversified combination in the translation of words and sentences”. In addition, the paper also outlines the six basic points needed to be done in the modern poetry translation and points out the fundamental starting point.

Key words: Comparative analysis; Translation strategies; Translation tactics

上传会员 随心所欲 对本文的描述:《飞鸟集》创作于1913年,是一部富于哲理的英文格言诗集,共收录325首小诗,其行文简洁凝练。观其用词,该诗集约6000多字,没有晦涩难懂之字,全乃日常生活常见之词;概其句法,其......
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