
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:小6 更新时间:2013-06-18
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摘  要



关键词:传记; 翻译方法; 翻译技巧;郑君里



   This thesis is an English to Chinese translation which focuses on the translation practice and thoughts of one of the Guangdong cultural celebrities—Zheng Junli. The style of this article is a biography; it describes Zheng Junli’s life from different angles, such as the development of Zheng Junli’s career as a film director, his achievement as well as setbacks, his grieved death and so on. Besides, the article also portrays some anecdotes about him and highlights his personalities visually. Every part is connected tightly in context regardless of different angles. Furthermore, words in the passage are easily to be understood, which is characterized with facts, generality, artistry and popularity.

   The thesis illustrates many facts to portray Zheng Junli’s contribution as a great actor, film director and theorist. So does the translation. And at the end of the paper, some translating methods such as literal translation, liberal translation, amplification and omission are mentioned on the basis of the translating practice. In exploring the typical translating skills of the biography, selected examples from the text are specifically analyzed. 

Key words:Biography, Translating Methods, Translating Skills, Zheng Junli


上传会员 小6 对本文的描述:本文以实证研究方法梳理郑君里作为演员、导演、理论家的三位一体的形象的意义与价值,着手翻译了文本,同时列举和分析了文中的翻译例句,进一步探讨传记这一类文体的翻译方法,......
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