
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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关键词 小学数学;体验式学习;应用分析;策略


Abstract:Under the background of new curriculum of primary school mathematics classroom teaching emphasizes the experience of the process of learning, experiencing learning is a way of learning that adapt to the era development and curriculum reform . How to effectively carry out experiential learning become a problem which needs to be settled.

   Based on analyzing the theory basis and the connotation of experiential learning of primary school mathematics,to experience the characteristics and value of learning are demonstrated.Through the study of primary school mathematics experiential learning typical case "g" understanding, analysis and summarizes three principles of experiential learning in primary school mathematics: choose life learning material, take"practice, experience and explore" as the main way of learning,choose "cooperation" as the effective way.

   Finally put forward six strategies of application of experiential learning in Primary school mathematics classroom,solve the difficulties in the integration of new curriculum concept and actual classroom practice for teacher,bridge experience learning theory and practice gap.First, create the situation, stimulates intuitive emotional experience; Second, independent research, to obtain mathematical discovery experience; Third, cooperation and exchange, to realize integration of experience and cooperation; Fourth, mathematics reflection, experience on recognition; Fifth, changing training, experience by assimilation to conform to the real; Sixth, knowledge application, to obtain do mathematics, use mathematics experience.

Keywords  Primary Mathematics   Experiencing Learning   Application Analysis  Strategies





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:分析了体验式学习的理论基础和内涵的基础上,对小学数学体验式学习的特点和价值进行了论证。通过小学数学体验式学习典型案例《克的认识》的研究,分析总结出小学数学体验式学......
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