
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-04
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【摘要】  在小学教育中,个别交谈是老师对学生进行思想教育的一种常用方式。与学生个别交谈是教师工作中的一项基本任务,可以让教师针对学生所存在的问题进行教育,使学生理解教师的意图。个别交谈对了解情况、处理问题、激励进步等方面都有着重要的作用。针对交谈过程中存在的一系列问题,老师通过相机试探、运用各种体态语、选择恰当的时机场合、重视学生的个性和把握交谈方式多样化等语言技巧来完善老师与学生的个别交谈。

【关键词】  小学教育; 教师; 学生; 个别交谈; 技巧


【Abstract】  In primary education, the individual is a teacher talking to the students a common way of ideological education. Talk to teachers and students work individually to a basic task, allowing teachers to the problems for students to educate teachers so that students understand the intent. Talk to the understanding of individual circumstances, deal with the problem, encouraging advancement has had an important role. Conversation process for a series of problems, the teacher through the camera test, using a variety of body language, choose the right time occasion, personality and grasp the importance of students talking to the diversification and other language skills to improve individual teachers and students to talk.

【Key words】  Primary Education;Teacher; Student;  Individual conversation;Skills



上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:针对交谈过程中存在的一系列问题,老师通过相机试探、运用各种体态语、选择恰当的时机场合、重视学生的个性和把握交谈方式多样化等语言技巧来完善老师与学生的个别交谈。......
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