
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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关键词: 小学生;小学课堂;暗示教学;对策


ABSTRACT:For elementary school students in elementary school classroom, attention is easy to transfer, learning efficiency is low, the phenomenon such as concentration of thinking, use opportunely suggested teaching methods, can stimulate the students learning interest and arouse their enthusiasm and initiative, make students accept education in the active atmosphere. Ignore classroom teaching for students to grasp the emotional, induction and control, the teaching efficiency will be affected, the teaching of other activities will not advance. [1]The whole classroom atmosphere is likely to be depressed, low, pupils will produce school-weary and fear, even making the classroom teaching in the "not harmonious" status. The significance of this topic is aimed at this situation, put forward to improve the condition of specific teaching methods and strategies, students can improve their various ability, change passive learning to active learning, development thinking, strengthen the elementary student's self-confidence and ability to learn, and build a lively, vibrant classroom for primary school students learning environment, so as to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

Keywords: primary students ;primary classroom; suggestive teaching;countermeasure


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:将暗示教学法贯穿于小学课堂教学中,与其它教学方法相配合,充分利用其显而易见的优势,巧妙地运用暗示教学法,恰到好处地对小学生进行暗示,因人而易挖掘他们的心理潜能。......
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