
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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[关键词]  亲子沟通;自立人格;影响


Abstract: To a primary school 4-6 years level 280  students for research object, prepared questionnaire for sample, used correlation analysis, and single factors analysis, and independent sample t test of method for data processing, investigation parent-child communication way and children independence personality of correlation analysis, results indicates that: (1) parent-child communication way and children independence personality no significantly related; (2) different learning results students of independence personality is significantly are related; (3) different grade students parent-child communication way no significantly differences, different grade students independence personality has significantly differences; (4) different gender students of parent-child communication way, and independence personality no significantly differences; (5) family economic income different students of parent-child communication way is significantly differences, family economic income different students of independence personality is significantly differences; (6) parents by education different students of parent-child communication way, and independence personality is significantly differences; (7) parents occupational different students of communication way, and independence personality is significantly differences.

[Key word]  Parent-child communication; Supports oneself the personality; Influence


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:就研究对象而言,本研究仅以两所学校的小学生为被试,样本覆盖的范围不够广泛。今后的研究首先应该考虑到地区变量,在更大的范围内抽取被试,以考察不同地区的写作效能感的差......
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