
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-08
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【Abstract】Design of classroom teaching objectives is the starting point of the classroom teaching design. Appropriate design of teaching objectives can guide the direction, process and result assessment of classroom teaching. However, with the curriculum reform promoted, the conception of has been deeply rooted in the minds of the people. The problems that how to understand and carry out the three-dimension objectives in light of new curriculum standard have also caused the majority of primary school mathematics teachers to explore, discuss and try to. However, In practice, there have been some errors, such as: "wear new shoe to take old road", or just to explore the expression formula, practical teaching and teaching goal of "two pieces of skins". The research bases on combing out the conceptions and the theories, combined with an analysis of the present situation and the reason about the design of mathematics classroom teaching goal in the primary school, and it attempted to solve some problems occurred in primary school classroom Mathematics teaching formulation of teaching aims. Meanwhile, it might provide some reference for carrying out primary school mathematics teaching objectives in light of new curriculum standard. 

【Key words】  Classroom Teaching Objectives;  The three -dimensional objectives

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:课堂教学目标的设计是教学设计不可忽略的第一步,是不应被遗忘的教学起点,但从教学实际看来,课堂教学目标设计却面临着众多的现实失落,许多学者和一线老师也在反思、探索、......
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