
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-16
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【关键词】 小学生; 语文学习; 学习自我效能感; 学习动机


【Abstract】 Numerous studies abroad prove one thing, and that is an important motivation for learning effects, which not only affects the learning outcomes, but also affect the learning process. So all along, being in the education, we are vigorously promoting learning motivation. Then the purpose of this study is to investigate students through language learning and language learning motivation relationships between self-efficacy and found that the link between the two, learning from the perspective of self-efficacy, increased motivation, improved language performance. But also hope that the conclusions of this study can provide some primary school language teaching theoretical and practical basis and reference.

  This study used a questionnaire in Nanjing's 300 elementary school students' language learning motivation, language learning self-efficacy were investigated. Overall primary motivation for language learning at the middle level, the internal motivation is the main motivation for language learning students. Overall pupils' self-efficacy in the middle level, a sense of competence in the basic dimensions of the performance levels are higher. Learning motivation and learning self-efficacy was positively correlated, and influence each other through learning purposes.

【Keywords:】Primary school students; Chinese learning; learning self-efficacy; learning motivation

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:目前,国内外对学习动机的研究已相当深入,从学习的各个环节观测学习动机的作用,已发现学习动机能激发学习行为,明确学习目标,在遇到学习困难的情况时,往往是学习动机越高......
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