
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-16
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【摘 要】现在学校研究的侧重点均着眼于教师对教材的把握和教学环节的设计,往往忽略了教材与课本以外的内容,包括教师课堂语言艺术性的探讨、教师肢体语言的实效运用、教师对学生课堂回答问题后的评价态度与方法、教师对学生在回答问题中生成性疑问的解决方法与策略等等。针对小学数学课堂教学中教师评价语言存在的普遍问题,文章进行了原因分析并结合实践提出了优化小学数学课堂教学中教师评价语言的策略。

【关键词】评价语言 小学数学课堂


[Abstract] Nowadays, the schools attach more attention on how accurate the teachers grasp the teaching materials and how fantastic the teaching procedures designed, thus some other points out of the teaching materials and textbooks are ignored inadvertently, including the exploration of languages art in classroom, the application of body languages in classroom, the evaluation attitude and approaches on the answers in classroom, the solutions and strategies on the doubts in answering the questions in classroom and so on. Regarding with the general problems of teachers’ evaluation languages in mathematics teaching in primary school, this article is proposing the strategies of how to improve it based on analysis and practice.

[Key Words] language of evaluation;  primary school mathematics class

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:笔者选择了这一课题,尝试着深入、持续地跟踪课堂,发现小学数学课堂教学中教师评价语言存在的弊端,提出相关的对策及建议,使教师对课堂评价语言有一个比较客观的认识,提高......
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