
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:了不起的盖茨比 更新时间:2013-09-01
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ABSTRACT:Because the traditional rural elementary school layout structure exist many needed adjustment malpractice, which seriously hindered the cause of sustainable development, so in order to optimize the resources of rural education and improve elementary school education investment returns and education quality, in 2001 "the state council about basic education reform and development of the decision" in China pointed out that should be" Adjust measures to local conditions to adjustment the layout of Rural compulsory education” it is called "closing and mergering school". This policy since 2003 to pushed, in recent years since in all respects to a lot of trouble in gradually. This article through to Lijian City, Huaping County promoting " closing and mergering school" investigation and points out that the current rural elementary school promoting " closing and mergering school " process, the government, school, teachers, parents and students of the plight of these difficulties and analysis the cause of the event, the paper puts forward concrete measures.

Keywords: the countryside elementary school; closing and mergering school; difficult; countermeasures


上传会员 了不起的盖茨比 对本文的描述:通过对丽江市华坪县推行“撤点并校”的调查,指出当前农村小学推行“撤点并校”过程中政府、学校、老师、家长及学生面临的困境,并探析这些困境出现的原因,最终提出具体可行......
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