
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Based on the literary researches and analyses, this thesis combines with personal study and practical researches in teaching. Firstly,I try to systematically speculate ,analyze and categorize the reasons for the communications with teachers and students; Keeping to the points of Chinese ,maths ,and foreign language in primary school ,combined with the observation ,communication and exchanging with the teachers and students ,to vetify the influential factors for the situations of students'speeches and offer the teachers some suggestions in teaching. What's more ,it also points out that teachers should maintain the importance of" senses of dawn" in teaching and nurture  the students’ will to learn. In accordance with the above expositions,the paper here rectifies the misunderstandings of the problems of states and relationship s between students and teachers in the process of interactions . And it decides the teachers ‘chief places in terms of equality’,i.e .it promotes that teachers ought to play dominant roles to the full in teaching!

Key words : pupils ,students’ specches , comparison




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:在文献研究和分析的基础上,结合自身学习及教学实践研究,首先对影响学生课堂发言的因素进行全面的猜测、分析和归类,并试图从小学语文、数学、外语课堂入手,通过观察、沟通......
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