
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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Abstract:Teacher’s rational response exists in every class. A correct response can highly improve teaching efficiency, promote the development of thinking and personality,and close the distance between the teachers and students. Nowadays there are lots of researches for this, but most of them are theory buildings and left much blank spots on empirical research. This article chooses two representative teachers, new teachers and expert teachers. Observing and recording six kinds of teacher’s rational response to students. 1. When the student gives the right answer. 2. When the student gives less integrity answer. 3. When the student gives wrong answer or can’t give any answer. 4. When one student answers question, the other students strike in. 5. The student gives an answer that teacher will teach in the next stage. 6. When the student gives an answer that teacher can’t judge. By comparison, we know that new teachers are lacking in evaluation concept, language is fuzzy, evaluators are single, focus on the result and disregard of process, emotional poverty. I suggest that new teachers should deepen understand teaching material and the students, improve the skill of rational response, estimate language should be more pertinence and sentiment, new teachers and expert teachers can learn from each other.

Key Words: expert teachers;  new teachers;  teacher’s rational response




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述: 教学是一种双边活动,既有教师的教,又有学生的学,现代教学论认为,教学过程是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程,由此可见理答行为便必然存在于教学之中。教师正确、恰......
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