
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-22
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关键词: 图片;音乐;小学英语教学


Abstract:Pictures and music are very common teaching resources, they can stimulate the students’ senses of visual and hearing, as well as their interest of learning. Therefore they can cultivate students’ motivation and improve the efficiency of teaching. This paper is based on literature analysis and classroom observation. I try to discuss the present application and problems of using pictures and music in English teaching in primary school, and then I try to point out the significance of integrating the two teaching resources. At last, I propose some suggestions of how to integrate them. In this way, I hope to make people aware of the importance of integrating teaching resources and encourage them to study the resources and promote the development of English teaching. 

Key Words:picture ; music ; English teaching in primary school




上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:指出整合运用图片与音乐这两种教学资源的重要意义,提出了若干图片与音乐整合运用的建议,以期提高人们在小学英语教学实践中整合教学资源的意识并深入进行实践探索,推动英语......
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