
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-11
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Abstract:Error analysis is the one of the most important methods to study the second language acquisition. Studying the errors that students committed is helpful to discover the inside law of the language learning and find the difficult point in learning language to enhance the level and quality of the language teaching. Although many people studied the students’ errors by error analysis, the scope of their research is too wide that lack of studies about a certain grammar item. This thesis relies on the error analysis to test and interview the students in Hong He University. The writer find that students have a big problem to use the English participles through the research result. The error resources can be classified into intralingual errors, interlingual errors, and induced errors. According to the analysis above, this thesis also puts forwards some recommendation for English teacher to consider.  

Keywords: Error Analysis; Intralingual Error; Interlingual Error; Induced error


中文摘要:错误分析是进行二语习得研究的重要方法之一。对学习者的错误进行分析,不仅能揭示出语言学习者在习得过程当中的一些普遍规律,而且有助于找出语言学习的难点, 从而提高教学水平与质量。过去采用错误分析理论对学习者错误进行的研究为数不少,但研究的内容范围都较为宽泛,而就某一语法项目进行的相关研究还不够充分。本文依据错误分析理论,对红河学院的学生进行抽样测试和访谈,并对其结果进行分析,发现在使用英语分词方面,学生存在很大的问题。 错误成因主要表现为语内错误,语际错误,及诱导性错误。基于以上分析, 本文还提出了一些相应的教学建议和改进方法。


上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:Participle is a non-predicate verb. In English, we have three types of non-predicates: indefinite, participle and gerund. All the non-predicates can not serve as the predicate in a sentence, just displaying the grammatical functions. In the ......
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