
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-11
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Abstract:Because of the gradual perfection of the information technology and development of international trade, E-commerce arises at the historic moment. On the day of emerging, it has been paid attention by people all the time, and it is perfecting and developing constantly, it will become an important form of the development of international trade gradually, there is its development trend that indicates that it will become the important way of international trade of future. 

   Generally speaking, the China E-Commerce market contains huge commercial opportunity; the development prospect is extremely broad.

   China's accession to the WTO will mark the start of a prolonged march toward broader use of e-commerce within the country. Thus, the accession of WTO, have brought opportunities as well as challenges to the development of China’s e- commerce.

   The article is mainly focused on the opportunity and challenge of China’s e-commerce after the WTO accession, and the influence of China’s e-commerce.

Key words: E-commerce; Opportunity; Challenge; Influence, WTO






上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:Most papers were similarly focused on the development of Chinese e-commerce after China’s accession to the WTO, but I haven’t found exactly ones which were focused on the influence on Chinese e-commerce after China’s accession to the W......
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