
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-20
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James Thomson’s magnificent and all-embracing work, The Seasons, is one of the representative long poems in the eighteenth century, which involves politics, sociology, religion, philosophy, science and many other fields. However, from the content and form of the poem, it contains the scientific rationalism elements. Using the important tool of reason, Thomson probes into nature scientifically and speaks highly of nature’s splendid scene, in order to express his respect for the sublime of God, the cause of which is deeply rooted in his keen interest in Newtonianism under the background of the British Enlightenment.


Key words: James Thomson, The Seasons, scientific rationalism, Newtonianism






1. Scientific Rationalism in the Content of The Seasons-2

1.1 The Developmental Description of Landscape-2

1.2 Farming Practice-4

1.3 Astronomical Images-5

1.4 The Harmonious Relationship between Human and Nature-7

2. Scientific Rationalism in the Form of The Seasons-8

2.1 Natural Scenario-8

2.2 The Perspective Conversion of Time and Space-9

2.3 The Application of Newtonian Metaphor-10

3. The Influence of Newtonianism on James Thomson-11

3.1 Thomson’s Exposure to Newtonianism-11

3.2 Thomson’s Scientific Exploration of Nature-13


Works Cited

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:此诗篇幅宏伟,包罗万象,涉及到政治、社会、宗教、哲学和科学等各个领域。然而,从诗歌的内容和形式来看,该诗存在着科学理性主义因素。作者利用理性的手段对大自然科学进行......
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