
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-20
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Body language is an important part in nonverbal communication. In different cultures, body language is not exactly the same. People use body language every day. Nowadays, with the development of economy, the world becomes a whole. And people communicate with others of different countries frequently. At this time, body language plays an important role. This paper briefly introduces the concept and characteristics of body language. Then it illustrates the differences of space distance, eye contact, physical touch, gesture and facial expressions between different cultures. It also researches the functions of body language in communication. 


Key words: body language; cross-culture; communication





I. Introduction-1

II. The Definition of Body Language-1

III. Varirties of Body Language-3

3.1 Gesture-3

3.2 Eye contact-4

3.3 Physical Touch-4

3.3.1 Shaking Hands-5

3.3.2 Hug and Kiss-5

3.3.3 Other Physical Touch-6

3.4 Space Distance-6

IV. Functions of Body Language-7

4.1 Substitution function-7

4.2 Supplementary function-8

4.3 Negative function-8

4.4 Emphasis function-8

4.5 Regulation function-8

V. Conclusion-9

Works Cites-10

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本文简要的介绍了肢体语言的概念、特点和类型,并阐述了空间距离、眼神接触、身体接触、体态表情在不同文化间的不同。通过这些不同的对比,来促进跨文化的交流,避免不必要的......
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