
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-09
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Abstract: Nineteen Eighty-Four is a political allegory novel. With the writing technique of irony, George Orwell fabricated a country that was ruled under totalitarianism where public life and personal privacy were strictly controlled and supervised by the government. The author wrote the novel to put people on guard against any type of dictatorship. With an analysis of the major features of  totalitarian Oceania state, the paper explores how the Oceania state strengthen its  totalitarian goal through manipulation of collective memories by creating a new language system, manipulating archives and history as well as imposing Objective Truths on its people. 


Key words: totalitarianism; collective memory; manipulation; politics






1.1About George Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four1

1.2Theme of the Paper3

2.Review of Relevant Studies.4

2.1Studies on Orwell and His Novels .4

2.2Studies on Totalitarianism in the Novel5

3. Prevailing Means of Totalitarianism in the Novel.7

3.1 Mass Surveillance7

3.2 All-encompassing Propaganda Campaign10

3.3 Restrains on Family Relationship.11

3.4 Fabrication of Enemy of the Party.12

4. Manipulation of Collective Memories.14

4.1 Manipulation through a New Language System.15

4.2 Manipulation through Archives and History.17

4.3 Manipulation through Objective Truths20

5.  Conclusion 22


上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:《一九八四》是一部政治性寓言小说,作者乔治·奥威尔以反讽手法虚构出一个极权主义状态下,公众生活与隐私受政府全方位控制、监视的社会形态,警醒世人提防任何形式的极权主义......
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