
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: Through contrastive study and error analysis, the paper first analyzes the features of Chinglish in college students' Chinese-English (C-E) translation, which can be divided into five types: bad diction, redundant translation, the misuse of culture-related idioms, Chinese grammar and sentence structure. The author analyzes the causes of Chinglish from the perspective of thinking pattern, the influence of mother tongue and translation strategy. To avoid Chinglish in C-E translation, it requires the students not only to develop English thinking ways, to add English input, to create English using environment, but also to master Chinese and English and different kinds of translation strategies and use them based on the context. Original newspapers and magazines can help to increase English input effectively. Back translation method does help college students to compare their Chinese translation with the original to discover and reduce their Chinglish problems easily.


Key words: Chinglish; college students; C-E translation; countermeasures





1. Introduction-1

2. Features of Chinglish in College Students' Chinese-English Translation-2

2.1 Stiff Translation with Bad Diction

2.2 Redundant Translation with the Repetitive Meaning

2.3 Incorrect Translation with Chinese Sentence Structure

2.4 Improper Translation with Misuse of Chinese Grammar

2.5 Wrong Translation with Irrelevant Culture-Related Idioms

3. Causes of Chinglish in College Students' Chinese-English Translation-5

3.1 Word-by-Word Translation

3.2 Reliance on Chinese Logical Thinking Ways

3.3 Negative Transfer of Culture

3.4 Wrong Translation Strategy

3.5 Influence of Lasting Chinese Study

4. Solutions to Chinglish in College Students' Chinese-English Translation-7

4.1 Training on Translation Based on the Context

4.2 Developing English Thinking Way

4.3 Adding English Input

4.4 Adopting Back Translation Method

4.5 Creating English Using Environment

5. Conclusion-9



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:作者又从思维方式,母语的影响及翻译策略角度研究了中式英语的成因。为了尽量避免翻译过程中出现中式英语,大学生不仅要培养英文思维方式、增加英文输入、创造良好的英语使用......
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